supply teacher

DCHP-2 (May 2013)
n. Education

a qualified teacher hired to replace a regular teacher who is absent; a substitute teacher.

Type: 2. Preservation In Canada "substitute teacher" and supply teacher are used at roughly the same frequency (see Charts 1 & 2), with the former being slightly in the lead. Supply teacher is a preservation from Irish and British English. In comparison with the US, supply teacher is more prevalent in Canada, although not as common as in Ireland and the UK (see Chart 1). Substitute teacher is most common in the US (see Chart 2). This is a Canadianism only in the North American context, based on a frequency count three times higher than in the US. It remains to be seen if this distinction is upheld in the 21st century.
See also COD-2, s.v. "supply teacher", which is marked "Cdn & Brit".


A supply teacher for September and October to teach Latin and ancient history.
Gananoque High School requires a supply teacher for the remainder of the term to teach Latin and girls' physical training.
The marchers became angry after four persons, Yvonne Szubert, a secretary, Flo Woods, an Aurora supply teacher, Mrs. Smith and history graduate student John Foster, saw Dr.Bissell briefly in his office [...]
The supply teacher contacted principal William McLaughlin, who negotiated with the youth to let the class go and to drop the weapons.
Indeed, the costs could be even higher, given that supply teachers have now negotiated their way on to the salary grid after a certain length of service.
To battle him, Drillbit has to enter the school disguised as a supply teacher who manages - with no training, permission or interference - to infiltrate classes, teach English, and seduce the fetching Lisa (Leslie Mann).
Supply Teacher (London, England) — Vision Teaching
Explore our London schools! If you have considered teaching in London UK, we are keen to hear from you! You don’t have to be 100% sure but it’s great to get some information and think about your options. We are currently taking applications for September 2016 and 2017 to teach on supply basis. Whether you are looking to travel, work with a cluster of schools first or look into managing your own classroom later on, we have a contract for you!


  • COD-2


        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 4 Jul. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 4 Jul. 2013

        Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 4 Jul. 2013

Chart 2: Internet Domain Search, 4 Jul. 2013